[Work in progress!]
This page is an impartial list of known published materials that focus on Caddoan languages. Links to these publications are provided where possible. At the end of each entry is a code to quickly search for specific languages. These language codes are as follows:
[ADA] | Adai | [KIT] | Kitsai |
[ARI] | Arikara | [PAW] | Pawnee |
[CAD] | Caddo | [PRO] | Proto-Caddoan |
[COM] | Comparative | [WIC] | Wichita |
[EYE] | Eyeish/Ais |
Chafe, Wallace L. 1976. The Siouan, Iroquoian, and Caddoan languages. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton. [COM], [PRO]
Lesser, Alexander & Gene Weltfish. 1932. Composition of the Caddoan lingusitic stock. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 87(6). 1-15. [COM] [PAW] [KIT] [ARI] [WIC] [CAD] [ADA]
Melnar, Lynette R. 2004. Caddo verb morphology. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. [CAD]
Parks, Douglas R. 1976. A grammar of Pawnee. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. [PAW]
Parks, Douglas R. (ed.). 1977. Caddoan texts (International Journal of American Linguistics, Native American Text Series, vol. 2, no. 1). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. [ARI], [CAD], [KIT], [PAW], [WIC]
Taylor, Allan R. 1963. Comparative Caddoan. International Journal of American Linguistics 29(2). 113-131. [COM], [PRO]