[Work in progress!]
This page is an impartial list of known published materials that focus on Siouan languages. Links to these publications are provided where possible. Some links below go directly to the published works, but some will also go to a link to a publisher that will be behind a paywall. For copyright purposes, articles behind a paywall cannot be directly linked to here.
At the end of each entry is a code to quickly search for specific languages. These language codes are as follows:
[ASI] | Assiniboine/Nakoda | [MIC] | Michigamea |
[BIL] | Biloxi | [MSS] | Mississippi Valley Siouan |
[CAT] | Catawba | [MSV] | Missouri Valley Siouan |
[CHI] | Chiwere/Ioway/Otoe/Missouria | [OFO] | Ofo |
[COM] | Comparative | [OHI] | Ohio Valley Siouan |
[CRO] | Crow | [OMA] | Omaha |
[DAK] | Dakota/Nakota | [OSA] | Osage |
[DHE] | Dhegihan Subgroup | [PON] | Ponca |
[DKN] | Dakotan Subgroup | [PRO] | Proto-Siouan |
[HCW] | Hoocąk-Chiwere Subgroup | [QUA] | Quapaw |
[HID] | Hidatsa | [STH] | Southeastern Subgroup |
[HOC] | Hoocąk/Ho-Chunk/Winnebago | [STO] | Stoney |
[KAN] | Kanza/Kaw | [TUT] | Tutelo/Saponi/Virginia Siouan |
[LAK] | Lakota | [WOC] | Woccon |
[MAN] | Mandan | [YUC] | Yuchi/Euchee |
Cumberland, Linda. 2016. In his own words: Robert Rankin recalls his work with the Kaw people and their language. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 119-131. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [KAN]
Danker, Kathleen. 2016. Ba-be-bi-bo-ra: Refinement of the Ho-Chunk syllabary in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 83-102. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [HOC]
Goodtracks, Jimm, Binah T. Gordon, & Saul Schwartz. 2016. Perspectives on Chiwere revitalization. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 133-164. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [CHI]
Gordon, Binah T. 2016. Information-structural variations in Siouan languages. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 393-422. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [COM] [OMA] [LAK] [CHI] [HID] [MAN] [CRO] [HOC] [ASI] [BIL]
Gordon, Binah T. 2019. Documentation, reclamation, and the place of the settler linguist. Tuscon, AZ: University of Arizona dissertation. [OMA] [PON] [CHI]
Greer, Jill D. 2016. Baxoje-Jiwere grammar sketch. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 183-228. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [CHI]
Grant, Anthony. 2016. A forgotten figure in Siouan and Caddoan linguistics: Samuel Stehman Haldeman (1812-1880). In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 103-113. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [COM] [DHE] [KAN] [OSA]
Helmbrecht, Johannes. 2016. NP-internal possessive constructions in Hoocąk and other Siouan. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 423-460. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [HOC] [COM] [CRO] [HID] [MAN] [LAK] [OSA] [BIL]
Johnson, Meredith, Bryan Rosen, & Mateja Schuck. 2016. Evidence for a VP constituent in Hocąk. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 339-362. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [HOC]
Kasak, Ryan M. 2016. A distant genetic relationship between Siouan-Catawban and Yuchi. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 5-38. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [COM] [PRO] [CAT] [YUC] [MAN] [LAK] [DAK] [HOC] [TUT]
Kasak, Ryan M. 2019. Affix ordering and templatic morphology in Mandan. New Haven, CT: Yale University dissertation. [MAN] [COM] [PRO]
Kaufman, David. 2016. Two Siouan languages walk into a sprachbund. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 39-62. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [COM] [BIL] [OFO]
Larson, Rory. 2016. Regular sound shifts in the history of Siouan. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 63-82. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [COM] [PRO] [MSV] [HID] [CRO] [MAN] [MSS] [DKN] [DAK] [LAK] [ASI] [STO] [WCH] [HOC] [CHI] [DHE] [OMA] [PON] [KAN] [OSA] [QUA] [OHI] [TUT] [STH] [BIL] [OFO]
Larson, Rory M. 2019. Glottalized consonants in Mississippi Valley Siouan. In Ryan M. Kasak (ed.), Proceedings of the 38th Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference. 37-44. Chicago, IL: Northeastern Illinois University Linguistics Department. [COM] [MSS] [LAK] [DAK] [OSA] [KAN] [OMA] [CHI] [HOC]
McBride, Justin T. 2016. Reconstructing post-verbal negation in Kansa: A pedagogical problem. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 165-182. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [KAN] [DHE]
Rood, David. 2016. The phonology of Lakota voiced stops. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 223-254. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [LAK]
Rudin, Catherine. 2016. Coordination and related constructions in Omaha-Ponca and in Siouan languages. In Catherine Rudin & Binah T. Gordon (eds.), Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 10). 367-392. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. [OMA] [PON] [COM] [DHE] [OSA] [KAN] [QUA] [WHC] [HOC] [CHI] [DKN] [ASI] [LAK] [DAK] [MSV] [CRO] [HID] [MAN] [STN] [BIL] [OFO]
Williams, Brittany. 2013. Social media: Facilitating revitalization in endangered Midwestern Native American languages. Northridge, CA: California State University, Northridge M.A. thesis. [HID] [MAN] [OMA] [PON] [HOC]