The Proceedings of the 38th Siouan and Caddoan Conference follows the meeting of the 38th Siouan and Caddoan Language Conference from June 7-9, 2018 at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, IL. This volume was published on July 12, 2019 in Chicago, IL by the Northeastern Illinois University Linguistics Department and edited by Ryan M. Kasak.
This work represents the first time in over three decades that the conference produced a proceedings volume. The papers are copyright of their original authors and are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0).
The proceedings volume can be downloaded in its entirety here, or by selecting a title of one of its individual papers listed below.
Adverbial clauses in Hoocąk: A case of weakly grammaticalized subordination by Johannes Helmbrecht
A comparison of four descriptions of the Osage sound system by Dylan Herrick
Glottalized consonants in Mississippi Valley Siouan by Rory M. Larson
Hook-swinging giants and other fantastic themes in Jiwere-Baxoje folktales by Jill Greer
Incorporation in Crow? by Lewis Gebhardt
Nakoda “intensifier” -ȟ by Vincent Collette
Nasal harmony in Hoocąk and Mandan by Ryan M. Kasak & Sarah Lundquist
A phonetic analysis of obstruent series in Hidatsa by Jonnia Torres Carolan & Ryan M. Kasak
Prefix order and interpretation in Crow by Lewis Gebhardt
The Ralph Pepper tapes: Overview of a lesser-known Kansa language audio resource by Justin T. McBride