Call for papers
We are pleased to announce that Hiráaca Maa Aru Cáawi will host the 44th Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference (SCLC) at the North Dakota State Heritage Center and Museum in Bismarck, ND from May 24th through May 26th, 2024.
The SCLC is an annual gathering of linguists, anthropologists, indigenous educators and scholars, and other researchers to promote the study of the Siouan and Caddoan language families. We welcome papers dealing with the study of these languages, but we frequently hear other papers dealing with the intersection of another field and language. Some of these other fields are, but not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, art, ethnography, ethnobotany, folklore, history, language education, linguistics, music, Native studies, sociology, and traditional beliefs.
The deadline for abstract submissions is March 29, 2024. Submissions should be sent to sclc2024 [at] Proposals for Community Language Workshops can be sent to lisacasarez [at] Please submit all abstracts, panel and workshop proposals in a .pdf or .doc/.docx file format. A proceedings volume is planned. Further details on these proceedings are forthcoming.
For any questions or concerns, please contact the organizers at sclc2024 [at] Presenters and attendees who cannot physically be present at the conference are welcome to do so remotely over Zoom, as this conference will be done in a hybrid format. See the conference website for further details:
We hope to see many of you all in Bismarck in the Spring!
Lisa Casarez
MHA Nation
Executive Director of Hiráaca Ma Aru Cáawi