Call for submissions for Proceedings of the 40th SCLC

Pursuant to the discussion at the SCLC 40 Business Meeting, we will be putting together a proceedings volume for the conference. If you have not found a home for your paper, all presenters at SCLC 40 are most welcome to submit their paper to this year's proceedings volume to me at kasak [at]

Given the size of the attached files and the desire to not trigger any spam filters, I have not included any zipped files. For now, the deadline for papers is Friday, October 30th, but if any authors foresee an issue with that, please let me know and I can work to accommodate your timeline.

This message contains the following items: 

The proceedings will be typeset in LaTeX, but Word submissions are perfectly acceptable. Unlike in previous years, the end result will use the Times New Roman font, so it is recommended that authors use this font when writing in Word to gauge how things will look when typeset. 

Those wishing to directly write their papers in LaTeX can use the attached .tex file with the accompanying .bib and .bst file if the author(s) wish to also use BibTeX. Using BibTeX is not required for those writing in LaTeX, but it is strongly recommended.

Once we hit the submission deadline, I would appreciate any help with the editing process: reviewing, proofing, typesetting, etc. In particular, anyone wishing to be a co-editor who has experience with LaTeX would be most welcome. After receiving all papers from interested parties, we are looking to have a turnaround of a few weeks on getting back decisions and comments. In an ideal world, we will have a finalized volume sometime by the end of 2020, but it could spill into early 2021, given historical precedent for these proceedings. 

Please let me know if anyone is interested in helping out with this process. The biggest reason the proceedings take a while to come out is the typesetting process, so I would greatly appreciate help from anyone who can use LaTeX as a co-editor, though all help is most certainly welcome.

