The Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference once again was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet again, Edwin Ko at the University of California, Berkeley did an excellent job organizing a virtual conference and keeping everything running smoothly.
This was the first conference in several years to involve a presentation on a Caddoan language, and this will hopefully be the start of more work on this language family.
Since the last SCLC, (at least) four scholars culminated their advanced degrees with theses dealing with topics in Siouan languages:
Hendrickson, Laura T. 2020. Demonstratives and determiner-phrase structure in Hidatsa narrative discourse: A morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis. Fresno, CA: California State University, Fresno M.A. thesis.
Roberts, Corey. 2020. A grammar sketch of Tutelo-Saponi. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona M.A. thesis.
Marsault, Julie. 2021. Valency-changing operations in Umóⁿhoⁿ: Affication, incorporation, and syntactic constructions. Paris, France: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle dissertation.
Panick, Sean. 2021. r-Nasalization in Hoocąk: A diachronic and synchronic perspective. Long Beach, CA: California State University, Long Beach M.A. thesis.
If there are any other theses or publications dealing with Siouan or Caddoan languages, please use the contact form to let us know so that we can promote the recent work done by those scholars.
Next year’s SCLC will be held in person at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia thanks to the Department of Anthropology there. This will be the first time that the SCLC has been held on the East Coast. This move is meant to make the conference more accessible to groups living east of the Appalachians. The following year’s conference is tentatively to be held in Norman, Oklahoma at the University of Oklahoma.
Presenters at SCLC 41 have been sent an invitation to submit their papers to the Proceedings of the 41st Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference. Publication of the Proceedings of the 40th Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference has been delayed slightly, but should be available within the next few weeks.
If there are any other efforts relating to Siouan or Caddoan languages, please leave reach out through the contact form to increase the visibility of your work!